Simply put, it’s an effort to identify the policies, practices, beliefs, and attitudes that get in the way of our being a fully inclusive and authentically diverse church. The Gold audit expanded on the work started by the Authentic Diversity Task Force formed at the 2021 Synod Assembly.
The first step was a review and analysis of our governing documents and public statements through an authentic diversity lens. There were also surveys, interviews and focus group conversations to identify those things that inhibit our progress.
We have signed a contract with Gold Enterprises, LLC (learn more at, a leading firm in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion work. They are also conducting an audit of the Metropolitan DC Synod of the ELCA, and they have a diverse, energetic, and experienced team of consultants.
We received the final report and recommendations of the audit (phase 1) in the Spring/Summer of 2023. We are now moving into a synod-wide strategic planning process based on the audit’s recommendations at the synod assembly (phase 2).
The synod council determined that the audit was consistent with the goals of the Equipping the Saints Mission Appeal, supporting the work of the Racial Equity Organizer position, so the audit is being paid for with ETS funds already raised, including a generous grant from the Siebert Lutheran Foundation and funds resulting from the closing of Abiding Savior Lutheran Church.
In the document linked below, Gold Enterprises summarizes their findings from the synod-wide diversity audit (phase 1), and lays out the process for synod-wide strategic planning (phase 2).