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This event will take the place of our previous Faithful Innovation training days. Join us as we gather to share stories of how God is renewing our sense of mission,  learn from those who have been experiencing renewal, and be energized together for our next steps!
Who can attend? We welcome all who are engaged in, or curious about, mission renewal, mission coaching, and innovation. That includes pastors, council presidents, lay leaders and members, mission coaches, and anyone else who is interested in learning and being inspired by the Spirit…

Those who have been through the Faithful Innovation process in the past, come to be re-energized, share a story of what you are learning, and get a brief refresher on what some next steps could be!

Those who are just beginning to engage with a mission coach, come to be inspired by those who have been doing this work a little while, come to learn, come to be energized for the journey!

Those who are curious about having a mission renewal & innovation coach and just want to learn more, come to learn from others how you might take the next steps.

There is no cost to attend, because of the generosity of the congregations participating in the Equipping the Saints Mission Appeal. However, we do ask that each person from your congregation who plans to attend register in advance so we have an accurate count for materials.

If you would like to talk more about how your congregation could have a mission and innovation coach, watch this video and reach out to Pr. Matt Short at matt@milwaukeesynod.org for more information.