Synod Assembly takes place each spring and brings together voting members from congregations to engage in conversation and to vote on resolutions, elect synod council and committee representatives, consider finances, and other business. On Friday evening, we gather in worship followed by a dessert reception. This service is open to all and it is not necessary to register to attend worship and the dessert reception. Synod Assembly will take place in person only in 2023. Please read through the information below which explains more about synod assembly specifics.
All actively serving rostered ministers (pastors and deacons) are voting members at Synod Assembly. They do not count towards your lay voting member limits.
Retired rostered ministers who wish to attend as a voting member should contact the synod office prior to registering.
The number of lay voting members your congregation elects depends on the number of baptized members reported on your 2022 congregational report form A. We encourage congregations to choose voting members who will represent a range of age, ethnicity, and gender whenever possible.
All congregations may elect at least two lay voting members to the Synod Assembly.
Congregations having 750 to 1,249 baptized members may elect a third lay voting member. Thereafter an additional lay voting member may be added for each additional 500 baptized members of the congregation (e.g. at 1,250 members, 1,750 members, etc.).
All congregations may add one voting member to the number allotted if that additional member is a youth or young adult (30 or younger when elected).
Use our handy chart to see how many voting lay people your congregation can register for Synod Assembly. This page also includes some helpful FAQs about voting members.
Registration will open in February.
If you are a retired rostered minister and wish to be a voting member of synod assembly, please contact Mary Romskog no later than March 31. We also encourage you to review the information below that was send to all retired rostered ministers.
In accordance with the bylaw adopted at the 2022 assembly (this number is 15% of the 146 retired rostered ministers in the synod as of 12/31/23). For 2024 this number is 22.
Retired rostered ministers serving under contract in transitional ministries are automatically granted voting privileges (there are currently three people in this category), and others will need to register their desire to serve as a voting member. If you would like to serve as a voting member at the synod assembly, please contact Mary Romskog in the synod office by March 31, 2023. If there are more than 19 people who do so, we will conduct a vote, allowing you as the retired rostered ministers decide who will be the voting members.
Remember: all retired rostered ministers are welcome to register for the assembly, at a reduced rate. Those not granted voting privileges are allowed to speak on all matters before the assembly, but limiting the voting to 15% of the retired roster helps us maintain the required lay/rostered minister balance.
A draft agenda will be available soon.
Please check this page for updated information that will assist you as you prepare to attend Synod Assembly.
Here are a few tips to get started:
Materials and information will be shared directly with voting members at the email address you provided. This includes credentials for voting during assembly. If your your email address changes or you are not receiving information starting in May, please contact us immediately.
Synod Assembly work includes being informed about the resolutions, rules, constitutional amendments, elected positions and more that will be presented. We strongly encourage you to take the time to read through the information and be prepared for discussion and voting during assembly. Learn more by visiting the Resolutions tab and the Nominations and Open Positions tab and accessing the files at the bottom of this page.
Assembly Rules – coming soon
Constitutional Amendments – coming soon
The following positions are open for nominations at Synod Assembly. Please note: Gender non-binary or gender non-conforming people can be nominated to serve in any roles designated for gendered representation.
Use this fillable pdf or our online form to submit a nomination form.
Consultation Committee (4 positions listed below)
The role of the consultation committee is spelled out in detail in chapter 20 of the ELCA’s constitution, focusing on working to resolve conflicts within the synod and in congregations. The term of service is six years and members may not be elected to consecutive terms.
At Large – Lay Male (partial term: now – 8/31/2025)
At Large – Lay Male (partial term: now – 8/31/2027)
At Large – Lay Male (partial term: now – 8/31/2029)
At Large – Lay Female (partial term: now – 8/31/2029)
Discipline Committee (4 positions listed below)
The role of the discipline committee is spelled out in detail in chapter 20 of the ELCA’s constitution, focusing on working to resolve conflicts within the synod and in congregations. The term of service is six years and membersmay not be elected to consecutive terms.
At Large – Lay Female (full term: 9/1/2024 – 8/31/2030)
At Large – Lay Male (full term: 9/1/2024 – 8/31/2030)
At Large – Rostered Minister – 2 positions (full term: 9/1/2024 – 8/31/2030)
Nominating Committee
All positions appointed by Synod Council
At Large – person of color or person whose primary language is other than English (full term: Synod Assembly 2024 – Synod Assembly 2026)
South Central Conference – Lay Male
West Conference – Rostered Minister
West Central Conference – Lay Female
Churchwide Assembly – July 28 – August 2, 2025 – Phoenix, Arizona
Conference positions to be nominated by each conference.
At Large – Lay Female
At Large – Lay Male
At Large – Rostered Minister
At Large – Lay Male, Youth/Young Adult (under 30 when elected)
At Large – Lay Female, Person of Color or person whose primary language is other than English
Central Conference – Lay Female, person of color or person whose primary language is other than English
North Conference – Lay Female
South Conference – Rostered Minister
South Central Conference – Lay Male
West Conference – Lay Male
West Central Conference – Rostered Minister
One of the most important things we do at synod assembly work is to worship together. This is a time to ground us in the word of God, bring us together as the body of Christ, and help us prayerfully reflect and prepare for the work ahead.
Our Synod Assembly worship service, scheduled for the evening of Friday, May 17, 2024 at the Italian Community Center Festa Ballroom, is open to everyone. You do not need to be a registered member of the assembly to attend worship.
Assembly Offering
Information coming soon