The funeral of a pastor or deacon who is listed on the roster of the Greater Milwaukee Synod, ELCA, whether active, retired, or on leave from call, is a worship event for both the synod and the local congregation where the deceased minister held membership. In order to ensure that the rostered minister’s desires are honored, we ask all rostered ministers to complete a funeral planning form (see the resources at the bottom of this page) and to share it with the synod office, with copies also going to their congregation of membership and their family members. The following notes are suggested for use in arranging the funeral service. Further details may be found in Evangelical Lutheran Worship: Leaders Desk Edition, 43-45, as well as in the rubrics for the Funeral in the ELW.
*The coffin placement described follows the time-honored tradition of placing the deceased according to their accustomed role in the church. Clergy, as presiding ministers, face the people. Lay persons and deacons are positioned with their feet towards the altar as if facing it as part of the congregation.