2023 LGBTQIA+ Pride Worship Service

Ascension Lutheran - Milwaukee 1236 South Layton Boulevard, Milwaukee, WI, United States

Come and join our synod's Reconciling in Christ Ministry Team as they hold their annual LGBTQIA+ Pride Worship Service. ALL are welcome: Come as God created you to be! Questions? Contact ric@gmselca.org or pastor.char.guiliani@gmail.com. Spread the word in your congregation! Click here to download the official event poster, worship slides and Facebook graphic. /*! elementor […]

Chrism Mass

Ascension Lutheran - Milwaukee 1236 South Layton Boulevard, Milwaukee, WI, United States

We invite all rostered ministers and lay leaders to join us for a Chrism Mass on Tuesday, April 4, at 9 am at Ascension Lutheran Church, 1236 S. Layton Blvd., Milwaukee. Participants will have the opportunity to renew their ordination and baptismal vows and receive a small container of oil that can be used for anointing. […]