Resources for Worship

Dear Colleagues,

In the shifting sands of each day, we are walking together. Today at 1:00 PM, many of the rostered leaders in our synod gathered on a video conference to discuss the best resources they have found to re-imagine worship in a digital age.

We know thousands of things are coming at your right now. Our goal as your partners in the synod office is to forward on some of the most helpful resources we are finding, but not inundate you with information.

Below, you will find links to the video of today’s discussion, some notes and links from that discussion, and two things happening tomorrow (Thursday, March 19th) that we think you might be interested to virtually attend.

If you need to connect one-on-one with any of us, please don’t hesitate to do so using the e-mail addresses below:

  1. LINK TO VIDEO OF GMS ROSTERED LEADERS DISCUSSING WORSHIP IDEAS FOR A DIGITAL AGEWe ask that you not share this link with others, as it is meant for the community of rostered leaders in our synod, and some on the call share the real struggles they are facing.
  3. Our colleagues at LEAD (Living Every Day As Disciples) are hosting a webinar tomorrow, Thursday, March 19th, at 3:00 PM Central. The topic is “Learn the Basics of How to Lead Digital Worship.” Learn more and register here.
  4. Tomorrow, we will gather a similar conversation for any rostered leader who wants to talk through what pastoral care and connection look like in times of social distancing. Feel free to join us if you would like to connect with your colleagues around this topic.

In Christ,

Your Greater Milwaukee Synod Staff