Vision, Mission, Values & Practices

Adopted June 2019: The Greater Milwaukee Synod (bishop, staff, pastors, deacons, leaders, congregations, ministries) embrace the following statements that express our common commitment to living into God’s vision for our world…

God's Vision

A world that embodies the fullness of life: justice, peace, equity, hope and love for everyone, including all races, genders, identities, abilities, and social status.

Our Mission

We follow Jesus, form communities, love all.

Core Values

Common Practices

Worship. We regularly respond to the Holy Spirit’s invitation to meet God through Word and Sacrament, experiencing God’s saving love in Christ and being sent into the world to share that love.

We ground all that we do in prayer, calling on God’s Spirit to bless, strengthen, and shape us for witness and service.

We seek to listen to and learn from God’s Word, each other, our neighbors near and far, and the world around us, asking deep questions and being open to new voices and new perspectives.

We actively invite others into deeper relationships with Jesus, welcoming them into communities shaped by unconditional love and acceptance.

We strive to be learning communities, committed to a deepening engagement with scripture and theology as well as training that equips us to live out our faith in the world and confront racism and discrimination of all kinds.

We open our lives to the free sharing of ideas and resources with all, recognizing that everything belongs to God.

We know that the Church and our world are changing, and we need to take risks and explore new ways of being faithful, building relationships, and organizing our life together.

Leadership development.
We support and encourage new people into leadership roles, focusing on those who have often been overlooked and undervalued.

Showing up.
We live out our faith by engaging in service, action, and advocacy around issues of poverty, violence, racial equity, gender, the LGBTQIA+ community, immigration, mental illness, and injustice.

Together, at our synod assembly in May 2019, we approved a new Vision, Mission, Values, Practices Statement (above). As we live into who we are called to be together, we offer resources to engage the nine spiritual practices.

Download the Statement as a PDF.

Common Practice Resources