All forms of sexual misbehavior by clergy and lay leaders are unacceptable within the life of the church. The church should be a safe place where people can worship, learn, work, love and receive care in a manner that is free from sexual misconduct.
Because the church is called to be a safe place, this synod intends to take whatever measures it can to help prevent sexual abuse and misconduct within the synod. The synod’s sexual misconduct policy can be found here: Policy for Dealing with Allegations of Sexual Misconduct Against Rostered Ministers.
Sexual misconduct: Federal and state laws make distinctions among various types of sexual misconduct, such as “sexual harassment,” “sexual abuse,” and “sexual assault.” Similarly, the governing documents of the ELCA define what types of sexual misconduct can result in a pastor or deacon facing ecclesiastical discipline. These distinctions should not concern a person who is troubled about the sexual conduct of a pastor or deacon. This church is concerned about all types of sexual misconduct by these individuals, regardless of whether or how the misconduct is characterized by the law or by the governing documents of the ELCA.
Any time a minister uses his or her position in the church for personal sexual gratification it is a misuse of the pastoral office and a betrayal of the nature of the pastoral relationship. Any sexual misconduct committed by a rostered church minister should be reported to the appropriate synod, including, but not limited to, any sexual contact between the rostered person and a congregant, counselee, employee or volunteer. It should be noted that the synod may not be able to assume primary responsibility for addressing all allegations of sexual misconduct. For example, law enforcement authorities would have responsibility for investigating and addressing criminal allegations, while congregations would have to deal with accusations of sexual harassment by the congregation’s employees. Nevertheless, the synod office should be notified of all cases of inappropriate sexual behavior in the congregation.
To report a case of child abuse or neglect, contact the county or tribe where the child or child’s family lives. If the agency is not known, contact the closest county. The Wisconsin Department of Children and Families has links and clear instructions here.
Clergy are considered mandatory reporters of child sexual abuse in the State of Wisconsin. Additional guidance is found in this resource from the Wisconsin Council of Churches.
Sexual misconduct committed by congregational employees should be reported to the pastor, council president, or other congregational officer. Congregations are encouraged to have policies in place for addressing allegations against church staff and to respond with compassion and care to anyone reporting abuse by clergy or lay leaders.
This synod has responsibility for addressing allegations of sexual abuse by rostered ministers (ordained clergy and deacons), administering appropriate discipline, and responding to those who have been harmed. Policies and procedures in place in this synod provide for compassionate and resolute response to those wounded by rostered minister sexual misconduct, and appropriate discipline for those who offend.
Those wishing to file a report with the Wisconsin Attorney General’s office can do so here.
Report to the Greater Milwaukee Synod if this synod is
If the report should be filed in another synod or congregation outside the Greater Milwaukee Synod, you are free to contact us; however, we may need to refer the matter to the synod in which the event occurred. For other contacts, see the ELCA website for a drop down menu on whom to contact.
Main Office Phone number: 414.671.1212
Pastor Bill Beyer is the pastor at Grace Lutheran Church in Thiensville, WI. He has served there for 4 years after serving congregations in South Central Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana. Bill works with the Synod on the Synod Assembly Planning Team. He has two children, Philip and Jensine, that are the driving force behind his ministry.
Dr. Joyce Caldwell is the Vice President of the Greater Milwaukee Synod. She has served a variety of roles within the church including as Executive Director of Lutheran Human Relations Association and as an Associate in Ministry at Faith Lutheran in Cedarburg. She has a PhD in Human and Organizational Systems. She and her husband Mike are members of Faith in Cedarburg, where she serves on the Church Council.
PO Box 341695
Milwaukee, WI 53234
Phone: 414-671-1212
Prevention of Sexual Misconduct
Domestic Mission
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
8765 West Higgins Road
Chicago, IL 60631-4101
Phone: 800-638-3522, ext. 2699
Fax: 773-380-2750
The normative expectations of this church for its rostered ministers focus on faithful and effective exercise of ministerial leadership. In all matters of morality and personal ethics this church expects its rostered ministers to be exemplary in conduct. The document Definitions and Guidelines for Discipline fully explains these explanations.
A list of resources to help individuals and congregations understand how to respond to and prevent sexual misconduct, including sample congregational policies, is available here: Sexual Misconduct Prevention.
Risk Management – This resource page provides you a visual way to explore and download the many types of resources the ELCA has available. You may also use their powerful search engine to find other resources not listed here. Church Mutual now makes all of its Safety Resources available to all ELCA congregations!
Cherish All Children is an ELCA ministry that equips congregations to prevent child sexual exploitation. The heart of this ministry lies in congregations, where staff, leaders, and members pray, educate, connect with others, and act on behalf of children within and outside their congregations. Cherish All Children has tips, practical examples and a suggested structure for developing a Cherish All Children team. The website also has resources for safe church policies, prayer booklets, books, and Internet resources.
Safe Sanctuaries: Reducing the Risk of Child Abuse in the Church by Joy Thornburg Melton
This 80-page book provides guidance to help develop policies and procedures for reducing the risk of child abuse in the church. The book defines the scope of child abuse, outlines the different types of abuse, notes the indicators of abuse, discusses the legal requirements for reporting abuse, and provides guidelines for screening and hiring workers and volunteers.
The book also outlines basic procedures of safe ministry with children and youth and outlines a congregational plan for responding to allegations of abuse. Sample forms included for screening workers, requiring background checks, doing reference checks and reporting suspected abuse. A suggested training session plan for people who work with children and youth is outlined, and a bibliography of suggested resources is included. This book can be purchased from Amazon.