Our Events

Gather Games for Young Adults (18-35)

Gethsemane Lutheran Church - Brookfield 13200 W. Greenfield Ave., Brookfield, WI, United States

Gather MKE is a group of young adults looking for meaningful connections to our faith and our world. We are ELCA-based, but welcome all who are looking for authentic community. Whether you have a home church you love or have never felt at home in organized religious spaces, we are here for you.

Free (Dinner Included)

Adventures in Renewal CO-LAB: Celebration Edition

DenizenMKE 4227 W Vliet St, Milwaukee, WI, United States

A fun and inspiring gathering to reflect on how we have much to learn and how God teaches us even when - especially when - things don’t go like we expected.

2025 Chrism Mass

Holy Cross Lutheran Church W156 N8131 Pilgrim Road, Menomonee Falls

We invite all rostered ministers and lay leaders to join us on Tuesday of Holy Week for a Chrism Mass. Participants will have the opportunity to renew their ordination and baptismal vows and receive a small container of oil that can be used for anointing.

Synod Assembly 2025

Brookfield Conference Center South Moorland Road, Brookfield, Wisconsin, United States

Join ELCA pastors, deacons and lay leaders from across Southeast Wisconsin for our annual Synod Assembly! We'll gather to worship, enjoy fellowship, and vote on our budget, elected positions and more.

Entangled: Multi-Synod High School Youth Gathering

UW River Falls 410 S 3rd St, River Falls, United States

All high schoolers who have completed grades 8-12 are invited to join us for ENTANGLED, a multi-synod youth gathering that will be held at the UW River Falls! Together we will encounter God and one another together in new ways through creative ministry, challenging conversation, inspiring guest speakers, service learning, and uplifting worship.