Online Lay Minister at Unity, Milwaukee
Learn how Unity, Milwaukee created an online lay minister position to engage with members attending online during hybrid worship.
The word “synod” means “on the road together.” When we work together as one Body in Christ, we can accomplish incredible things! Click the links below to read and watch inspiring stories of the impact of this shared work in our community…
Learn how Unity, Milwaukee created an online lay minister position to engage with members attending online during hybrid worship.
“As the members of Capitol Drive Lutheran Church decided their time as a congregation is coming to an end, they are gifting their property to expand on the sacred work The Table has been bringing to life in Milwaukee.” (Story by Milwaukee NNS.)
Venice Williams of The Table (a GMS New Start Ministry) was gifted a church, and is using it as a community space to promote healing, wellness, new vocation and spirituality. (Story by OnMilwaukee.)
“The harvest was just falling off the plants, and I mentioned it to the guards,” Rebey remembered. “They said, ‘We’d be happy to donate it because we have more than we can use here.’ And I said, ‘I think I can find a place.’” (Story by Living Lutheran.)
We invite you to share these stories of impact in worship, an upcoming adult forum, or your next newsletter! Our congregational promo kit includes a bulletin insert, color and grayscale flyer, presentation slide, and pre-written newsletter copy and banner graphic.
For the latest stories from across the ELCA, check out Stories of Faith in Action. This multimedia publication from ELCA Churchwide and Living Lutheran shows how your congregation’s Mission Support offering funds ministries across our church!
These stories of impact are only possible through Mission Support, which is the portion of your congregational offerings that help fund the ELCA’s synod and churchwide ministries. We invite congregational leaders to learn more, complete our Mission Support Intent Form, and download worship resources to celebrate your commitment to helping these ministries thrive.