Friends in Christ:
As we pass the one-year anniversary of the first case of COVID-19 in the United States, it’s safe to say that most, if not all, of us are weary from the many changes and restrictions the pandemic has brought about. Our congregations, communities, and leaders have worked diligently and tirelessly to find new ways to worship, learn, connect, and serve. We have sought to stay true to our mission while following the guidance of our public health professionals. We have tried to find the right balance between the desire to gather with the need to do so safely. Through it all, we have been guided by our call to love our neighbor as ourselves. I am deeply grateful for all your efforts to continue faithful ministry in these unprecedented times.
You may recall that, on November 11, 2020, I encouraged the congregations of the Greater Milwaukee Synod to discontinue indoor gatherings for worship or other activities until at least January 2021. In recent weeks, we have seen the number of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths in Southeast Wisconsin plateau and decline a bit. We have also witnessed the release of two COVID-19 vaccines, which give us hope that the pandemic may someday come to an end.
In light of these developments, I know that many congregations are reviewing their plans for whether, when, and how to return to their buildings for worship and other activities. While I am also encouraged by recent trends and developments, I want to encourage congregations to continue refraining from holding in-person, indoor gatherings. I offer this recommendation based on the guidance provided by our partners in the Wisconsin Council of Churches. They have recently released an updated set of recommendations, “Returning to Church 2.0” (linked here). These recommendations are based on an extensive review of the scientific data and public health wisdom.
Here’s a brief summary of their recommendations:
The WCC documents include references to reliable sources of updated information that will allow you to track these numbers in your area. Based on current trends, it is likely that we are still several months away from being able to consider safely returning to indoor gatherings.
We will be offering several opportunities to discuss these recommendations in more detail. On Tuesday, January 26 at 1:00 pm, we will host the Rev. Kerri Parker, Executive Director of the WCC at our weekly Zoom meeting for rostered ministers. There will also be an opportunity for a Zoom conversation with other congregational leaders from across the synod on Wednesday, January 27 at 7:00 pm. Links for both of these gatherings will be sent to pastors and deacons.
I recognize that the prospect of yet another Lent and Easter season without worshipping and gathering in person may be discouraging. I encourage congregations, leaders, and rostered ministers to consider the following:
I continue to be grateful, proud, and hopeful for our congregations and our communities as we confront and respond to the many challenges of this pandemic. We’re in this together, and I look forward to the time when we will be able to come together, in person, to discover what the next chapter of God’s story will look like for us.
In faith and hope,
Bishop Paul D. Erickson