Save the date: November 10 – 12 at the St. Anthony Spirituality Center. Registration is not yet open for this event.
Registration fee is $200/person. This fee covers program, meals & lodging.
Commuters can attend for $90/person. This fee covers program and meals only.
Test registration link (REQUIRES PASSWORD – testing purposes only)
After clicking this registration link, you will receive confirmation of your registration. Closer to the event, you will receive an email with additional information and a complete schedule.
Please note: a full schedule, once finalized, will be emailed to participants prior to November 10th.
The draft schedule below should help you plan your visit.
Sunday, November 10
Supper on your own – a list of dining options is available.
5:00 pm: Registration opens.
6:30 pm (tentative): Welcome, Hymn Sing and Worship, followed by Hospitality
Monday, November 11
8:00 am: Breakfast
9:00 am: Welcome and Introductions, followed by a Plenary Session and other presentations.
Noon (tentative): Lunch in Dining Hall
1:30 pm: Bishop Panel and Bishops/Synod Small Group gatherings
(This afternoon may also include extended breaks and free time.)
5:30 pm (tentative): Supper in Dining Hall
6:30 pm: Eucharist Worship*, followed by Hospitality.
*Please note: The offering at this evening’s Eucharist Worship is dedicated to Lutheran Disaster Response and World Hunger.
Please make checks for this offering made payable to CTETF.
Tuesday, November 12
8:00 am: Breakfast
9:00 am: Plenary Session, followed by Closing Worship
Noon (tentative): Depart (Lunch on your own)