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Join our synod’s Mission Table for “Inspired for Mission,” a monthly virtual gatherings centered around inspiring stories of where God is leading our Church!

NOTE: Our March event will take place on 3/19, which is different from our usual timing of the 4th Tuesday of the month.
At our March gathering, Pr. Matthew Short (Assistant to the Bishop for Evangelical Mission) will host a conversation about the “Fresh Expressions” movement of mission renewal. Some leaders and congregations in our synod are experimenting with these resources, and we are going to talk about what they are learning, and what it looks like to create forms of Christian community out in daily life that primarily hold space for people who are not connected to our traditional church structures. Please share this with others who you know who might be wondering how to begin or continue this work in their own congregations!

Meeting ID: 816 6170 2452

Passcode: 326844

Here’s how it works: We’ll start each Zoom gathering with an inspiring story about a topic related to the mission we share. Next, we’ll break into small groups for about 15 minutes to talk about what we heard (clergy and lay participants will have separate breakout rooms). We’ll then re-gather in the large group to share highlights and questions from our discussions.

Questions? Contact Rev. Matthew Short at matt@milwaukeesynod.org.