Ideas for Creative Worship & Support

  • Livestream worship for those not in attendance if you are still gathering in person (how to here)
  • Livestream worship with only worship leaders in attendance if you are not gathering in person. See this helpful offer from
  • Pre-record worship and share it on social media, your website and email.
  • Lead Bible Study, confirmation classes, and/or conversations via Zoom or Google Hangouts.
  • Host a regular conference call (using Zoom, Google Hangouts, etc.) to check in.
  • Consider setting a common prayer time, so folks know they are praying together even if they aren’t gathered in person.
  • Send out daily devotions via email or text.
  • Create and mail a daily devotional for those isolated.
  • Create a phone tree for checking in with parishioners who are isolated and/or not connected online.
  • Divide up your church membership contact list among other leaders and call everyone to check in.
  • Identify folks who need support re: grocery & supplies. Encourage sharing of supplies.
  • Send cards to those who are isolated.
  • Send notes of thanks and care to people, especially workers on the front lines and local care facilities like nursing homes and hospitals.
  • Consider small group (no touch) outdoor gatherings: service projects, hikes, holy play time, wild church, etc.
  • For our nursing home/care facilities: offer a daily prayer or devotional time over the intercom system.
  • If you are healthy, volunteer with programs that provide critical services and need extra help at this time (ie. feeding programs, shelters, etc.)
Credit: Northwest Washington Synod