I send you warm greetings from Kilimanjaro Airport, where our delegation of visitors has arrived to participate in the consecration and installation of Bishop Elias Kitoi Nasari. Our flights were long and uneventful, and we hope to rest a bit tomorrow before a busy weekend of events. On Saturday all of the pastors of the Diocese of Meru and the international guest will join in worship, and on Sunday (from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m.) we will participate in the service of consecration and installation. Guests are arriving from other European partners, and it is sure to be a festive and joyful day. This is a great opportunity for us to express our unity in mission and witness, that even though we worship in different styles and languages, and the ways we express and live out our faith varies according to our customs and our contexts, we are one church. We are brothers an sisters in faith, united by the common waters of baptism and strengthened by our common meal. I invite your prayers this weekend, giving thanks to God for our partnership in the Gospel, and asking God to bless out celebrations and our travels back home. Thank you for willingness and support this vital mission, as together we give witness to the light and love of Christ.
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