November is Native American Heritage Month

November is National Native American Heritage Month, and we invite your congregation to consider some ways you might hold space for honoring this important time.

Resources from ELCA Churchwide

We encourage you to visit the ELCA Indigenous Ministries and Tribal Relations webpage for resources on the Truth & Healing MovementRepudiation of the Doctrine of DiscoveryLand Acknowledgement, and more.

Ministry Opportunity: Walk With Indigenous Ministry in Our Synod

Our synod is partnering with ELCA Churchwide to fund a full-time pastor at Lutheran Church of the Great Spirit, an Indigenous ELCA congregation in Milwaukee, for the next three years.

Thanks be to God! We celebrate our synod council’s commitment to walk with our indigenous siblings in Christ. May the Spirit guide us through this ministry to live out our shared calling to follow Jesus, form communities, love all.

Congregations: Please prayerfully consider how you can join this synod-wide work! We encourage you to share this flyer with your church council, endowment fund, or other potential partners as a starting point for your discernment.