webinars for rostered ministers & congregational leaders

(Updated 5/7/20 to include password for weekly ELCA Coaching webinar.)

As we continue to navigate what it means to be Church Together during the COVID-19 pandemic, rostered ministers and congregations are encouraged to take advantage of the following upcoming webinars:

Being Church in the Time of COVID-19 – Weekly Meetings for ELCA Leaders (hosted by ELCA Coaching):

“We intend to continue offering regular opporunities to gather online to receive support and check-in with one another. We will shape the format based on the needs we are hearing from our leaders. This is meant to be a space where you can bring your fears, questions, experience and HOPE – trusting that God is with us and will equip us in “such a time as this.””

Wednesdays at 1 p.m. Cental Time.

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/180439412?pwd=WlVwUUxyUE5mY2IxMktHQXFJdGNMdz09

Meeting ID: 180 439 412

Password: 648160

Call In: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

How to do Church Online (hosted by faithLEAD):

“Mark your calendar for Mondays at 2:00 pm to join a weekly video conversation with Rev. Jim Keat for conversations with leading experts in Digital Ministry and group coaching with other pastors and faith leaders exploring how to do church online.”

Free webinar and previous recordings available here.