A minister of Word and Sacrament of this church, serving under a regularly issued letter of call, who leaves the work of that ministry without accepting another regularly issued letter of call, may be retained on the roster of Ministers of Word and Sacrament of this church, upon endorsement by the synod bishop and action of the Synod Council. A rostered minister seeking on-leave-from-call status shall make a written request to the synod bishop within 45 days following the termination of a prior call, providing a rationale as to why on-leave-from-call status should be granted. Failure to do so may result in removal from the roster.
Please use this form to make your request for on leave from call status. A full explanation of this status is available in the Manual of Policies and Procedures for Management of the Rosters of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and can be found on ppg 31-33.
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