Call Process for Congregations

The time of calling a pastor can be a special time for reflection and prayer in the life of a congregation. This time of transition is an opportunity for the Council to provide encouragement, trust in God, unity and spiritual growth. Prayer, bible study, and regular devotions keep the leadership spiritually centered as it guides the congregation in grieving its loss, assessing the current congregational strengths and weaknesses, creating a vision for mission and ministry, and calling a new pastor.

The Ministry Site Profile (MSP) form in the account access links below is a live web form. Here are some quick facts you should know:

  • Ministry Site Profile forms are accessed on the site via the account access links below.
  • You will need to create an account to begin working on the Ministry Site Profile. You can recover your password if necessary.
  • If your congregation has an account but cannot access it, please contact us for assistance.
  • Please do not download these forms and work offline! You must work within the account access portal for your forms to be live and viewable to the synod office. Sample forms are provided as pdf files but these will not work as a final MSP form.
  • We will not be able to see your profile until you have submitted it.
  • You may save a copy to your computer when you’re finished. We suggest you keep a copy of this complete profile in your congregational records indefinitely.
  • You can edit the form as many times as you would like. Be sure to submit the form each time you finish editing.
  • Save your work often using the “save” button on each page.
  • If you have problems or questions about this process please call our office at 414.671.1212 for assistance. Rev. Kristin Nielsen is the best contact for questions about the process and Mary Romskog can assist with questions about filling in and submitting forms.



  • Option 1: Our synod provides access to demographic and “mission opportunity” reports through a resource called “Mission Insite.” Click here to learn more about this powerful set of tools.
  • Option 2: Click here to view US Census Bureau QuickFacts demographic data (for all states and counties, and for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more).