The Assembly approves the synod’s budget for the fiscal year ending January 31, 2015, with total income of $2,196,500 and total expenses of $2,221,080.
Create a task force to “review the status and future of synod clusters,” to report to the 2014 Synod Assembly.
Create a task force to “develop a policy and procedure to handle the proceeds from the sale of property” of closed congregations, to report by the 2014 Synod Assembly.
Form a Refugee Resettlement Task Force to raise awareness of refugee needs; encourage congregations to consider co-sponsorship of arriving refugees; facilitate communication between service providers, volunteers and refugee communities; and be a voice for those who often have no voice in our society.
Support the work of Peace Not Walls to bring about peace with justice for the people of Israel and Palestine, including urging the Churchwide Assembly to consider social investment screens and other actions to support investment in Palestine and to boycott products and services provided by companies that benefit from and support Israel’s occupation of Palestine. Congregations are urged to observe the 24th day of each month as a worldwide day of prayer and solidarity with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land.
Call upon the Churchwide Assembly to support legislation prohibiting employment discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity, while urging church leaders, both clergy and lay, to speak in favor of such legislation.
Direct the synod to edit its compensation guidelines to reflect the ELCA health plan option that most closely resembles current ELCA primary health coverage for rostered leaders.