As we continue the congregation phase of the Equipping the Saints mission appeal, we give thanks for all those who have joined us with faith-filled gifts and commitments!
As of this week, we have raised $1,058,787 in gifts and comittments, which is almost halfway to our $2.3M goal. These funds are already at work, touching people’s lives!
The ETS 10% tithe was distributed on funds received at the end of 2021 and again in 2022. The 2022 10% tithe of $42,528 was sent to LSS Refugee Resettlement, ELCA Innovations Fund, the Diocese of Meru, and the Lutheran Synod of El Salvador. Based on the ETS grant from the Siebert Lutheran Foundation, funds are held for 2023 to support the Assistant to the Bishop for Authentic Diversity and to fund the Authentic Diversity Audit.
At their January meeting, the Synod Council voted to distribute available ETS funds based on percentages outlined in the original ETS prospectus: Innovation grants (20%) $65,000; Outreach for Hope Collaboration grants (20%) $65,000, minus $9000 distributed in 2022; Lutheran Campus Ministry (11%) $35,000, minus $10,000 distributed in 2022; Leadership grants for BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ candidates and rostered ministers ($11%) $35,000; Leadership grants for Rostered Ministers (16%) $55,000. We will be sharing more news about these grants soon.
Thank you again for supporting our campaign! Our ministries grow stronger as we equip one another to live into God’s vision for our synod.