Ministry Giving Options

As you consider how you might share your resources through current and legacy gifts to support ministry through the Greater Milwaukee Synod, we invite you to consider the following options:

The Equipping the Saints Mission Appeal is a three-year (2021-2023) campaign seeking to strengthen and enhance the ministry of the Synod with emphasis on innovation, collaboration, and leadership. The goal is $2.3 million.

The Purpose of the GMS Endowment fund is to:

  1. Encourage whole life stewardship and to receive and steward current and planned gifts and bequests from individuals, congregations, and organizations.
  2. Enhance and resource the ministry of the Synod in addition to, and apart from, its yearly operating budget, with emphasis on Hunger & Poverty, Justice & Antiracism, Global Ministries, Youth Leadership & Development, and Health & Wellness.
  1. Lutheran Campus Ministries:
    • Annual Fund for current support
    • Endowment Fund for long term sustainability
  2. Outreach for Hope:
    • Annual Fund to support annual grants to OFH partner ministries
    • Legacy gifts for investment in the future of urban ministry sites
  1. Urban Internship Fund: Funds provide support to urban congregations that offer internships for seminarians. Learn more…
  2. New Ministries Fund: Resources for the creation and support of new ministry ventures in the synod.
  3. Seminary Scholarships: Grants for students preparing for rostered ministry.
  4. Meru Coffee Project: This project purchases coffee from Tanzanian farmers at a fair price and roasts, packages, and ships it to consumers in the US. Learn more…
  5. Companion Synod – Diocese of Meru, Tanzania: A partnership committee oversees many projects related to health, education, and economic development. Learn more…
  6. Companion Synod – Lutheran Synod of El Salvador: A partnership committee oversees projects related to health, education, and economic development. Learn more…

The way you live your life tells the story of your values, hopes and desires. How will your life bear fruit?

Whether you have much to give or a small amount to share, a gift that bears fruit for the ministry and mission of the ELCA through the Greater Milwaukee Synod matters to God. Here are the ways that you can make a gift:

  • Gifts by Will: Bequests recognize the opportunity to make a lasting contribution to support the programs of the Fund.
  • Cash Gifts: Memorializing or honoring a family member or friend on a special occasion.
  • IRAs, Profit Sharing & 401(K)s: Because these assets can be subject to both income and estate tax at death, designating the synod as a beneficiary can help to reduce taxes to be paid.
  • Insurance: You may wish to designate the Fund as beneficiary of your policy.
  • Life Income Agreements: Making a gift while maintaining income.
  • Charitable Trusts: Trusts are a very useful tool for estate planning and can be tailored to serve your special needs.
  • Stock Transfers: We are able to accept stock transfers; please contact the synod office for more information.

The Synod is fortunate to have the resources of the ELCA Foundation through the services of Cindy Halverson, regional gift planner. Cindy is available at no cost or obligation to assist you or answer questions you might have regarding a planned gift to ministry. You are encouraged to contact Cindy at or 414-544-2008.

Learn more about how to give an an individual or congregation.