Mission & Innovation Coaching

The value of coaching has long been recognized in sports. A good coach can improve the skills and attitudes of athletes, making the difference between winning and losing. Within the church, coaching can be the difference between staying stuck in patterns that are no longer working and moving into a hopeful future following God’s leading. Working with a coach can be a transformative experience, but the field of coaching is often misunderstood.

Coaching Isn't...

  • therapy
  • counseling
  • mentoring
  • consulting
  • spiritual direction

In many of these helping professions, the relationship is that of expert or authority working with a patient or novice. The expert evaluates the situation and provides the solution.

It’s a common misconception that a coach can tell you what to do and how to do it in order to achieve the results you want. In reality, the foundation of coaching is a partnership in which the individual/organization is the expert of their own life. Coaching assumes the individual/organization is already whole and focuses on nurturing the fullness that exists within.

Coaching Is...

  • partnership
  • co-creative
  • listening and learning
  • thought-provoking
  • collaborative

The coach creates a safe space for curiosity and exploration. In a co-creative partnership led by the values of the individual/organization, the coach guides the individual/organization to establish goals, develop insight, experiment, assess results, and make adjustments. Coaching within a faith-based context offers a thought-provoking process of questions, reflection, prayer, awareness, action, and accountability with a focus on listening for and leaning into God’s activity in the world.

A coach helps the individual/organization define exactly what they want to experience, feel, or achieve that is different from where they are now. Faith-based coaching offers individuals and organizations a process to hear God’s voice in bringing about hoped-for outcomes and expressed goals in the next steps of life and ministry.

Getting results is not always about doing more and trying harder. Often there are self-imposed limits that stand between the individual/organization and the desired outcome. 

In these days of huge adaptive challenges, coaches are an invaluable third party that can help a congregation or a leader with the process of opening and change. The coach holds nonjudgmental, curious space for reflection and discernment. In this safe, trusting relationship, you’ll begin to identify what is holding you in place. Trusting in Jesus’ presence and grace to guide the process, you will be equipped to make progress toward your goals faster than you could alone. 

The reasons for partnering with a coach vary. Here’s a sampling of the ways a coach can help you or your church:

  • Developing, implementing, and evaluating missional experiments
  • Supporting first call pastors
  • Improving as a leader in ministry
  • Working with paid and volunteer staff
  • Strengthening communication
  • Handling staff or congregational conflict
  • Discerning call to ministry
  • Accompanying conclusion of ministry
  • Merging congregations
  • Moving forward with ministry goals 

Mission Renewal
& Innovation Coaching

Thanks to the generosity of all who are participating in the Equipping the Saints synod mission appeal, any congregation who desires mission renewal and innovation coaching can receive 12 months of coaching and training!

Read more about this opportunity and apply to receive coaching and training in mission renewal and innovation.

Individual Coaching

Individuals at a crossroads or in transitional phases of life or ministry may benefit from individual coaching.

Click below for a curated list of individual coaches available in our area.